Torah and Tidbits: Yom Kippur

Ambassador Dennis Ross in conversation with Rabbi Spitz at CBI on Sept. 17, 2017

Dear Friends,

Tomorrow we gather to mark Yom Kippur, 5778. I look forward to sharing services with you as a time for reflection, connection, and uplift. 

Below are my sermons from Rosh Hashanah and an editorial by Dennis Ross, who visited us so recently.

This is my final written encouragement for you to consider hosting or joining a small group for five conversations on Born to Love: Why, How, and With Whom. More than any sermon, you will give me great satisfaction in knowing that the booklet that I  prepared for you is being used for study and connection.

Wishes to you of a tzom kal- an easy fast!

Your rabbi, Elie

Small Groups Year 3: Born to Love

I spent my summer composing a booklet entitled Born to Love: Why, How, and With Whom. The booklet offers content and context for you to meet with friends to further your understanding of how love informs your life. We currently have over 40 groups. We need more. Please go to our website to sign up now.


Memories of an Anti-Semitic State Department

By Dennis B. Ross
Sept. 26, 2017

The former C.I.A. officer Valerie Plame Wilson made news with her Twitter account last week when, on the first day of Rosh Hashana, she shared an article that said, “America’s Jews are driving America’s wars: Shouldn’t they recuse themselves when dealing with the Middle East?”

Click here to continue reading.

Click the links below to watch Rabbi Spitz’s High Holyday Sermons:

Erev Rosh Hoshanah: The Zuckerbergs and a Resilient Judaism

Rosh Hoshanah Day 1: Faith in the Shadow of Tragedy

Rosh Hoshanah Day 2: The Spirituality of Human Love

CBI will live stream Kol Nidre Services again this year!

Virtually attend Kol Nidre with the CBI community.

Click here at 6:30pm, Friday, September 29th to join us.