Psalm 130

More eager than a Levite watching for dawn on the Temple mount, so the poet awaits forgiveness for wrongs. The image conjures both certainty, for the sun always rises, and hope yet unfulfilled. Among the key lines of the Psalm is that God forgives to cultivate reverence. For if there is no ability to let go of the past, then God and goodness would not matter. In Latin the opening is “Da Profundis,” an expression found in many English poems including those by Alfred Tennyson; Elizabeth Barrett Browning; C.S. Lewis; and Dorothy Parker.

Psalm 130 is a plea for grace “from out of the depths” of the poet’s heart.

Please join me for a close reading and exploration of how these eight verses are relevant for us.

Our study is dedicated to Marvin Klein, marking the end of the mourning period for Cindy Furst and her brother, Ron Klein.